School of Health Sciences building, Francis Center
Opens: mid-February
Due Date: Friday, April 25
Call Opens: mid-February
Due Date: Friday, August 8
Opens: mid February
Due Date: Friday, July 18th
Opens: mid-February
Due Date: Friday, May 30th
Winners awarded at Awards Ceremony during Annual conference
Open Now!
Early Bird closes: Friday, May 16
Final chance by: Friday, September 5
Come hang out and associate with people who do what you do and care about what you care about!
The ByLaws call for an annual meeting. This meeting is held every year at the Conference. It's a great way to find out in person what's going on.
APTA North Carolina
Mailing address:
140B Purcellville Gateway Dr, Ste 120
Purcellville, VA 20132 919-885-0095