Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Duties, Responsibilities & Benefits & Rewards of Board Service

& all elected positions of the Chapter

  • Board of Directors: General Duties & Responsibilites

    General responsibilities include attending four Board meetings per year (two online, two in-person); Board meetings are generally scheduled in Jan (zoom), April (in-person alongside Student Conclave), July (zoom), and with Annual Conference in-person.

    Board members post simple board reports on accomplishments, needs, and goals prior to each meeting. Typically, Board members work together to set the Strategic Goals for the year in January.  The first in-person meeting is for the second Board meeting of the year, alongside the Annual Student Conclave in the spring.  

    We also ask Board members to support the biggest in-person event of the year, the two-day Annual Conference in October.  The fourth Board meeting of the year is during the Annual Conference, along with the Annual Membership Meeting and Awards Ceremony.  Board Members get a discount to the Conference.

  • Board of Directors: General Benefits & Rewards

    The number one benefit is the inherent reward of service.  Number two is helping our patients, our profession, and our colleagues.  Other benefits include collaboration and civility with a diverse group of people with the similar professional interestes.  It's fun, too!

    Board members receive a discount to the Annual Conference and reimbursement for traveling to  in-person meetings.

  • Executive Committee Members Job Description

    Per the ByLaws, the Executive Committee is made up of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.  A fifth member is appointed out of the rest of the Board of Directors to serve as an Executive Committee member each year.  Board members interested in serving on the Executive Committee each year put their name forward in January and are voted on by the entire Board.

    The Executive Committee holds a meeting each quarter prior to the main Board meeting, often online.  Occasionally, the Executive Committee holds ad hoc meetings if special issues arise which is rare.  The Executive Committee serves as a consultant to the President.

    The Treasurer keeps track of the budget by using forward-budgeting/planning, audits, and working with the Executive Committee and Board of Directors.  The Treasurer chairs the Finance Committee which is one of three standing committees outlined by the ByLaws.

    The Secretary takes minutes of all Board meetings, Executive Committee meetings, and Annual Membership Meetings; they ensure completeness and correctness and post for transparency to Board Members.  The Secretary updates the Leadership Contact List of all Board Members' preferred email and phone contacts, along with helping the Nominating Committee determine each leader's number of terms of service and number of years in each term.  The Secretary liaises with the Student Scholarship Committee.

    The Vice President leads the Chapter in any short-term or long-term absence of the President, and takes over responsibility for President if the President is unable to continue their elected term of service. Additionally, the Vice President works on special projects in collaboration with the President, helps Regions work in unison, and liaises with the State Legislative Committee and the Federal Affairs Liaison.

    The President guides the Chapter Board of Directors in annual Strategic Planning, reports on accomplishments toward the end of each year, supervises all processes and operations of the Chapter, sets the following year calendar for quarterly board meetings, the Annual Student Conclave, and the Annual Conference.  The President facilitates both Board member and other leader processes and projects, and in addition specifically liaises with the Awards Committee and the DEI Committee.

    All of us are responsive to the members of the APTA North Carolina, for whom we work.

  • Regional Director Job Description

    There are four geographical Regions, each represented by an RD (Regional Director) who also serves as a Board Member.  Each Region also has an ARD (Assistant Regional Director) who is also elected from the members in each Region.  The ARD does not sit on the Board, but can in the absence of the RD.

    The main duty of the RD and ARD is to facilitate events and activities of members in their Regions, as well as to track and advertise those events.

    The RDs Board of Director duties can be read above.  

    Learn More about Regions

  • Communications Director Job Description

    In addition to the general duties of all Board Members, the Communications Director is in charge of all things social media.  

    Getting the word out about all the amazing activities and events and members to members, potential members, and the public is the main job. Creativity welcome!

  • Education Director Job Description

    In addition to the general duties of all Board Members, the Education Director's main duty is to lead the Conference Committee and prepare for the Annual Conference each October.

    The Education Director also serves as liaison to the Board to the Chair of the OnLine Education Committee as well as the Continuing Education Review Committees.

  • Membership Director Job Description

    In addition to the general duties of all Board Members, it's the responsibility of the Membership Director to track our PT, PTA, and student membership. The Membership Director chairs the Membership Committee which works to maintain processes that contact members and potential members and ensure they know the opportunities of membership.

    The Membership Director serves as the liaison to the Board of Directors to the Chair of the Student Special Interest Group.

  • Payer Relations Director Job Description

    In addition to general duties of all Board Members, the Payer Relations Director is responsible to make and maintain relationships with third-party payers in the state.  

    The main goal is to convey the value of PT, but also to keep communications open in the case of clinician reimbursement questions.

  • Practice Director Job Description

    In addition to general duties of all Board Members, the Practice Director answers member questions related to Practice.

    The Practice Director also serves as the Board liaison to the Chair of most Special Interest Groups, helping facilitate SIG activities (Early Professionals, Falls Prevention, Otho, Neuro, and Peds).

  • PTA Director Job Description

    In addition to the general duties of all Board Members, the PTA Director is a dedicated conduit for PTA concerns and issues to our Chapter. This Director chairs the new PTA Special Interest Group.

  • Chief Delegate Job Description

    In addition to the general duties of Board Members, the Chief Delegate has extensive special responsibilities in leading the APTA North Carolina Delegation to the House of Delegates annually. 

    This involved year-round governance, meetings for Chief Delegates across the country to prepare for the Virtual House of Delegates day in the spring and the two days in-person at the House in the summer.  Learn More.

  • Delegate Job Description

    The NC Delegation has 13 seats in the House of Delegates.  In accordance with our ByLaws, one of those is always the Chief Delegate who serves 3-year terms, and one delegation seat is held by the President who serves 3-year terms.

    The other 11 delegation positions are 2-year terms, with approximately half elected each year.

    Delegates are representative of members and their main duty is to keep abreast of the annual slate of motions and the annual slate of candidates for national elections, then vote in both.

    The House of Delegates may open for one day virtually in the spring, then meets for 2-days in person each summer.

  • Nominating Committee

    In addition to Board members and Delegation Members, the Nominating Committee constitutes the only other elected officials of the Chapter.

    The ByLaws call for 3 Nom Com members, each serving 3-year terms. The Nom Com member terms are staggered so that the most senior person on the committee is serving in their third year and will thus serve as the Chair. Each year, one new member is elected.

    This committee is important because they are the conduit that facilitates members to elected leadership. They can help mentor members on which service positions would suit their interests as well as their professional and personal lifestyle.

Board Motion Button

Meet the Nominating Committee

Interested in running for a Board position?  Let our Nominating Committee help find your best spot to serve!

The Call for Nominations for open positions occurs in February, with the slate finalized in September.

Elections held for 2 weeks after Annual Conference in October.  Learn more about APTA NC Elections

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